Define your Legacy
Name Lexington Community Foundation as a benefactor in your will or trust.
Lexington Community Foundation has created a Planned Giving Society (PGS) to recognize those who have designated funds to LCF during or after their lifetime. If you have already directed a gift to LCF in your estate plan, for more information about the PGS, or to become a PGS member, please click HERE.
The Foundation is forever grateful to those who leave a gift through a bequest. Bequests are one of the most effective methods of establishing a legacy that will benefit causes close to your heart yet enable you to keep assets during your lifetime. Bequests can take a variety of forms, such as a specific dollar amount or a particular asset, and your estate may be entitled to an estate tax deduction for its full value.
Gift life insurance in a variety of ways. For example, you can name the Foundation as a beneficiary of an Insurance Policy, thereby securing an estate tax deduction. Alternatively, you can obtain an income tax deduction by donating either a paid-up policy or one on which premiums remain to be paid, whether new or acquired in years past. Life insurance can also be used to preserve the legacy passed on to your heirs by replacing other assets donated to charity.
Life income gifts allow the Foundation to invest the proceeds of your donated assets and then pay you, or your designated beneficiaries, income for life or a time period specified by you. With these gifts, you gain an immediate tax deduction and leave a significant, lasting legacy. Apart from enhancing your income, life income gifts may also be used to remove assets from your taxable estate, reduce or eliminate capital gains tax, and improve income from low-yield, high-value assets.
We are available to assist you or your professional advisors in evaluating the most appropriate type of gift to suit your needs.
For more information, please contact Beth Roberts at (308) 324-6704.